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Mental Health Awareness Month.
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Lester Roberson
Jun 08, 2023
To Kayla Bell, MAN, you're hard to penetrate! Did you grasp anything that I said? Of course mental health is a serious issue. So serious, in fact, that I find the idea of pretending to care about it, in the light of our current situation fall on the floor hilarious. It has been since since the 2020 election. If people cared about mental health, that pathetic old man would be removed from office, out of compassion, if for no other reason. Nor would a shambling wreck like Fetterman have been elected to The Senate or allowed to remain there, once the depth of his problems became obvious. You say that I'm filled with "negativity". What I am "filled with" is rage and horror at what's being done to my country, which, as you said is currently one hell of a mess. This fact should have everyone worried because, when Uncle Sam gets the sniffles, the world comes down with double pneumonia. Look back a couple of years and tell me that Europe wasn't better off when America was in competent hands. I just hope that things hold together until after the next election, when we can get to work undoing the damage that continues to be inflicted. You say that mental health care is "a need," seemingly implying that we are obliged to fill that need. Many things are needs. So what? A need is either a right nor a claim on any other mans property, time or even concern. If a man chooses to give these things, fine. I make my share of charitable contributions, myself, VOLUNTARILY.
Mental Health Awareness Month.
In General Discussions
Mental Health Awareness Month.
In General Discussions
Lester Roberson
May 25, 2023
Mental Health Awareness Month.
In General Discussions
Lester Roberson
May 24, 2023
Well, frankly, I find the idea of a"Mental Health Awareness Month" hilariously ironic, considering our current shit storm. Have you been "aware" of any, "mental health"over the past two and a half years? I haven't. We've got a president who can't climb a flight of stairs or construct a coherent sentence and is a gnats' ass away from dragging us into a third world war over an inconsequential country that's arguable more vile and corrupt than the one that's kicking its' nazi ass. The idea of us getting into such a pointless, unnecessary, world smashing conflict while a dunce such as he is in charge should be unthinkable. Instead, it's a looming possibility. We have a US senator who looks like a Charles Addams drawing, dresses like a 17 year old ghetto rat and acts as if he were next door to being brain dead. Yet, there he sits. An iconic 170 year old American beer company is teetering on bankruptcy over an idiotic promotion that was spectacularly ill advised to begin with and the fallout of which was stupefying mishandled. Bud Light was once one of the top selling beers in the nation and it now, a couple of months later, can barely be given away. Then Miller, after reaping huge windfall that Anheuser-Busch handed them, instead of savvily accepting their good luck, REPEATED their competitors' mistake by pissing off THEIR customer base, all to pander to a small, fringe group whose entire existence centers around "Mental Health/Illness." Sure, toss "they/them" a pointless virtue signal, while pulling the rug out from under your employees, your stock holders and everyone else whose livelihood depends on the distribution and consumption of your insipid product. Many of them have nowhere else to turn. ALL of your customers DO, as they've proven. In frikkin-CREDIBLE! Even Marina, herself, God bless her, is part of the pageant. There is one man in the entire world who is doing more than anyone else to bring the Star Trek dream to life. His name is Elon Musk. Yet, when he took over the reekingly woke, shamelessly biased twitter, she immediately jumped ship, refusing to be on the forum "with a man like him" in charge. That is highly "Illogical," friends and neighbors. It does not even "compute." If this were "Mental Illness Awareness Month," yeah. We could USE something like that. I'd be on board with THAT. "Mental HEALTH," though. Uh uh. Under todays' circumstances, that's just cringe.
Mental Health Awareness Month.
In General Discussions
Lester Roberson
May 23, 2023
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Lester Roberson

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