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Join date: Jan 23, 2024


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A young lion in a small cat who somehow got into a time machine and woke up in an old body today. Would like to go back to make some big changes in his life but doesn't know how to. Knowing the risk he then would be someone else.

I was born on the planet Thetazed which I hardly know since my parents moved to another planet (Deltazed) when I was a baby.

That was probably the reason why I kind of like being in an international environment and used to learn and use other languages on the main spaceport on planet Belgazed. I am proud to say that I was even able to juggle with most of the languages there. Sadly I have to admit I made a big mistake to move back to the planet Deltazed and now see the unstoppable decline of my abilities - even my (American) English now sounds like that from a Deltazoid. 😪

You don't use a language daily, you lose.

Since the last chapter of my life will start in a few years I'm considering to migrate to the planet Portugazed for better climate and integration so I better start learning that language ... 🤔

Don Loewi

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